Matahari 2009 terbit, pesta perebutan kuasa lima tahunan siap digelar lagi. Jargon-jargon romantis tentang perubahan dimaklumatkan dan ah… tak lupa tebaran gambar wajah senyum penuh kepentingan pun mulai mengganggu pemakai fasilitas umum. Selain itu, sepertinya legitimasi akademis mulai sering digunakan calon-calon terpilih untuk saling melumatkan kekuatan lawannya. Akademisi tak kalah lihai membaca pasar dengan beramai-ramai mendirikan lembaga survey politik praktis. Fenomena demikian pun terjadi di semua provinsi negeri angin, tak terkecuali berdirinya sebuah lembaga survey yang dipelopori dosen sebuah fakultas pada salah satu universitas di kota gudeg ini.
Kebanyakan lembaga survey ini memberi cap sedemikian gemerlap pada institusinya: andal, data reliabel dan valid, serta mampu menjaring ribuan responden dengan waktu cepat. Tag line semacam itu memang cukup mantap tuk sekadar jual kecap, sayangnya cukup gagap ditataran praktek.
Lusa, seorang kawan bertandang ke flat saya dan mengajukan penawaran untuk menjadi surveyor atau enumerator di lembaga survey milik seorang dosen.
“Ayo Tiw, bergabunglah bersama survey ini. Aku merekomendasikanmu pada supervisinya. Lumayan lho seminggu bayarannya bisa lebih dari setengah juta. Pye?”
“Memang sih aku biasa melakukan survey, tapi baru kali ini aku ditawari jadi ‘buruh’ di bidang politik praktis. Jawabanku: Emoh.”
“Lho kok?”
“Alesane; pertama, saat ini bukanlah saat yang tepat untuk berpeluh keringat mencari penghasilan lagi. Ada tuntutan lain yang harus diselesaikan dengan segera. Kedua, aku masih belum selesai dengan persoalan pengetahuan dan kepentingan apalagi sangkutannya politik praktis. Ketiga, jangan kira responden sekarang bisa gampang diambil datanya. Mereka akan menanyakan padamu survey ini tentang apa? Tujuan dan kepentingannya apa? yang mendanai siapa? Dan aku sedang malas menghadapi mereka. Eh, sik.. sik…; emange lembaga ini didanai berapa dan oleh siapa?”
“Kira-kira seratus jutaan, yang ndanai ya partai ********************* dan media ****************”
Wow dasyat! Saya memang tak meragukan kapabilitas dan kredibilitas para perancang survey tersebut. Hanya kemudian lagi-lagi berpikir; ternyata di ruang public dalam hal ini media cetak dan elektronik terdapat sebuah kesatuan: kepentingan, kuasa dan pengetahuan. Saya rasa ini sah-sah saja meski saya sendiri belum selesai dengan persoalan ini. Akhirnya, dengan agak sok-sok an saya menolak tawaran teman saya itu ;)
Seminggu kemudian kawan saya datang lagi ke flat saya dengan wajah murung namun terlihat lega.
“Pye surveynya sudah selesai?”
“Sudah. Tapi, selesai dengan sangat licik dan busuk”
”Jadi, aku ditugaskan menjaring responden di Sleman dan Kota Yogya. Aku yang sendirian ini ditugaskan untuk menjaring seratus responden dalam waktu satu minggu. Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, birokrasi di kelurakan, kecamatan itu sangat berbelit dan tak butuh waktu sehari dua hari. Sedangkan di Kota dan Sleman itu terdiri puluhan kecamatan. Kebanyakan responden yang juga beberapa birokrat ini tak mau mengisi kuesioner tanpa izin dari Kecamatan. Dan satu kuesioner itu ada puluhan pertanyaan. Gila ga sih? Apakah cukup realistis jika aku hanya diberi waktu satu minggu?”
“Uh huh? Tapi akhirnya selesai kan?”
“Seharusnya memang demikian. Tapi tiba-tiba di hari kelima tim pendana yang dari Jakarta datang ke Yogya dan meminta semua data yang belum selesai itu dan olahannya. Sinting tu mereka semua! They did it for their fucking media! Perjanjiannya kan tujuh hari dan menurutku itu tidak cukup realistis, mereka malah datang pada hari kelima. Deadline diajukan. SINTING!”
“Trus pada selesai ga?”
“Ya belum lah, temenku banyak yang belum, aku masih kurang sedikit.”
”Ya, supervisiku yang mengisi kuesioner yang belum terisi itu seenaknya. “
“Lho kok begitu? Datanya ga valid dong?”
“Jelas. Trus supervisiku itu bilang ya sudah, lha wong mereka ga fair, saya juga ga fair dong. Kalo mereka cukup realistis ya saya realistis. Data dimanipulasi agar sekiranya hasilnya sesuai harapan.”
Ternyata benar perkiraan saya selama ini. Fenomena ini menunjukan ternyata kepentingan bahkan ada diatas pengetahuan. Pengetahuan bisa seenaknya dimanipulasi demi sebuah kepentingan. Tag line (sok) cakap bak jual kecap ternyata di tataran praktek cukup gagap dan bermuara pada gagalnya penelitian. Jadi, perlukah kita percaya dengan hasil penelitian lembaga survey politik?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
My Blue, My thankfulness
This day, I remember what alifa’s said about life; “GOD is the greatest comedian ever after across the universe,” So, she is also make me remember about my big brother said last year “think positive n takes ur time to laughing when you get a problem, even there is a big… big problem, because the cosmos will response u like u was thinking ” Hiahaha.. L.. O.. L.. What do u think about that? I am sure that u had been feeling the same thing. You can, if u think u can, You get worst if you think bad. I thought my big brother have a talent to entertain people, although he’s truly right. But the best entertain is GOD. N alifa? Okay.. she has the same talent with my bro but she will becoming the down entertain with ‘suicide’ on her middle name, is it right fa? ;p
Last month, I dreaming till I am fly into the high n wonderful place . But, in the same time I am down to the depths of misery. There are so many things unpredictable. Sometimes I feel so strong n can finished my big problems by my self, but in the other time, like now, there is a little problem with my heart that I can’t fix it. I never suppose that it will so hurt. Feels just like…yeaa… I am nothing.., whereas I wasn’t born yesterday. It’s no big irony, I am thankful for Zee, that always come to my flat when am down n bring a cup of rose tea for me, even I didn’t tell her that I am so ‘sick’. “Tiway.. Suddenly, I want to go to your flat, don’t know why, my feelings tell me that ure not okay..” . N for my other sists n bro in the 2nd home; Ntan, Ken n Di who always ask me; “Come on.. I am sure that u can fixed it up, n everything will be okay, I’ll be there 2 support u,” N I always know that tomorrow everything will gonna be ok. Maybe that’s the reason why I am always give my silly laugh.
Back again to the GOD as comedian, sometimes He is make my dream come true, but in other times He throw me 2 the deep ravine. I don’t know what His plans for me tomorrow. It’s must be surprises. If I remember everything what did happen in my life, yeaa, I can get laugh. Sometimes, I think; how did this silly thing can happen? How sentimental fool can be? What a stupid Tiwi!
If everything has been written down by GOD, so why worry.. When He make me down, @ the same time He send me so many angel a.k.a Alifa, Zee, Ntan, Ken, n Di… n the other angel; Mr n Mrs eL, as my lecturer that always support me to pursue my dreams…
“If life is ever changing, so why worry, we say..
It’s still you and I with silly smile as we wave goodbye
And how will it be? Sometimes we just can’t see
A neighbor, a lover, a joker
Or friends you can count on forever?
How happy, how tragic, how sorry?
The sun’s still up and life remains a mystery
So, would it be nice to sit back in a silence?
Despite all the wisdom and the fantasies..”
From Dewi ‘Dee’ Lestari with Grow a Day Older in her albums “Recto Verso”
Last month, I dreaming till I am fly into the high n wonderful place . But, in the same time I am down to the depths of misery. There are so many things unpredictable. Sometimes I feel so strong n can finished my big problems by my self, but in the other time, like now, there is a little problem with my heart that I can’t fix it. I never suppose that it will so hurt. Feels just like…yeaa… I am nothing.., whereas I wasn’t born yesterday. It’s no big irony, I am thankful for Zee, that always come to my flat when am down n bring a cup of rose tea for me, even I didn’t tell her that I am so ‘sick’. “Tiway.. Suddenly, I want to go to your flat, don’t know why, my feelings tell me that ure not okay..” . N for my other sists n bro in the 2nd home; Ntan, Ken n Di who always ask me; “Come on.. I am sure that u can fixed it up, n everything will be okay, I’ll be there 2 support u,” N I always know that tomorrow everything will gonna be ok. Maybe that’s the reason why I am always give my silly laugh.
Back again to the GOD as comedian, sometimes He is make my dream come true, but in other times He throw me 2 the deep ravine. I don’t know what His plans for me tomorrow. It’s must be surprises. If I remember everything what did happen in my life, yeaa, I can get laugh. Sometimes, I think; how did this silly thing can happen? How sentimental fool can be? What a stupid Tiwi!
If everything has been written down by GOD, so why worry.. When He make me down, @ the same time He send me so many angel a.k.a Alifa, Zee, Ntan, Ken, n Di… n the other angel; Mr n Mrs eL, as my lecturer that always support me to pursue my dreams…
“If life is ever changing, so why worry, we say..
It’s still you and I with silly smile as we wave goodbye
And how will it be? Sometimes we just can’t see
A neighbor, a lover, a joker
Or friends you can count on forever?
How happy, how tragic, how sorry?
The sun’s still up and life remains a mystery
So, would it be nice to sit back in a silence?
Despite all the wisdom and the fantasies..”
From Dewi ‘Dee’ Lestari with Grow a Day Older in her albums “Recto Verso”
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